Emily ClarkANTI-RACISMPreservation, Protection, and Promotion: Advancing Equity for Black Children In the article, "Attending to the Adversity of Racism Against Young Black Children," the lead author Iheoma Iruka and her team describe the
Emily ClarkANTI-RACISMDo early childhood teachers practice selective listening when it comes to racism?If you were raised to be "colorblind" (hello fellow millennials) you probably instinctively panic inside at any suggestion of racism. We...
Emily ClarkANTI-RACISMMaking Play Work for Anti-RacismThe article "Interrogating the 'gold standard': Play-based early childhood education and perpetuating white supremacy" by Kinard, T.,...
Emily ClarkANTI-RACISMIt’s Play, Not Pie: Inequities in Children’s Access to PlayIt's play, not pie. There's enough for every child and yet not every child is getting it. Ijumaa Jordan shares why we need to be looking...
Emily ClarkANTI-RACISMAre White People Reading NAEYC's Advancing Equity Position Statement?The NAEYC Advancing Equity position statement is important for all early childhood educators, but particularly for white educators,...
Emily ClarkANTI-RACISMEarly Childhood Educators Have a Key Role to Play in Supporting Access to STEM for Children of ColorThe article "Racial Disparities in STEM Start as Early as Kindergarten, New Study Finds" by Sarah Schwartz examines the racial...